How to write essay on any topic
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Managerial Finance Net Present Value
Question: Talk about theManagerial Financefor Net Present Value. Answer: Ascertaining IRR, Non-Discounted Payback Period, and Net Present Value of the Projects with Adequate Interpretation: Points of interest Venture B Task A NPV 15,715,220.43 28,096,291.64 EAC $ 4,506,283.73 $ 7,097,013.02 IRR 20.06% 20.39% Recompense period 3.27 3.63 Table 1: Depicting the sufficient venture examination procedure (Source: as made by the creator) With the assistance of table 1, in general money related suitability of both the ventures could be recognized. Likewise, NPV, IRR and EAC of undertaking An is appropriately higher than venture B, which could push Equator to generator higher income from tasks. In any case, residency of both the undertaking is pertinently extraordinary and in this way utilization of EAC could successfully help in recognizing the sufficient venture (Vesty and Oliver 2014). Additionally, after the assessment of the general venture evaluation strategies Project An is primarily recognized as the most practical choice, which could assist Equator with increasing its firm worth. Moreover, both IRR and NPV of the organization are basically higher in venture A, which may expand by and large come back from speculation. In any case, from restitution period Project B is for the most part recognized as the suitable methodology as it would help in gathering the venture sum quicker than venture A. In this way, from t he general assessment of the speculation evaluation strategy Project An is basically perceived as the most appropriate task, which could permit Equator to create better yield from venture. Distinguishing the Risk Linked Recommended Project: There are four key hazard factor that is been related with suggested venture, which are danger of interest, rivalry chance, costing danger, and swelling hazard. This hazard may lessen the general suitability of the venture, which could ruin its benefit. Swelling and Tax Risk: The general change in expansion may hamper the money inflow, which may cause from tasks. The decrease in swelling and augmentation in charge rate may lessen the general productivity from the venture, which thusly may invalidate the speculation evaluation procedure. Rivalry Risk: In addition, the foreseen selling costs utilized in the estimation could lose its fiction if extreme rivalry is looked by Equator. The item valuing could be diminished for creating the foreseen deals, which thusly may decay its general income. The hazard from rivalry may decrease the general deals and decay the foreseen money inflow for every year (Aminbakhsh, Gunduz and Sonmez 2013). Danger of Demand: Equator mostly utilizes foreseen deals units be examining the client request, which could be in danger from changing client point of view. Likewise, Equator is for the most part delivering PC tablets, whose request change with client inclination and trust. Besides, any decrease in general deals unit may diminish capacity of Equator to create the necessary income from venture. Costing Risk: The general foreseen variable, work, and fixed expenses may change, which thusly could diminish the money inflow foreseen by Equator. The operational expense is principally kept fixed through the term of the venture, which may change because of the effect of expansion rate and change in labor compensation. The general augmentation in cost may primarily hamper the gainfulness, which has been foreseen with contribute evaluation strategy (Halbert and Rouanet 2014). Giving Relevant Definition of Efficient Capital Market and Determining Impact of on Equators Ability to Borrow Funds from the Market: The general productive capital market fundamentally portrays that offer cost adequately mirrors the data gave by the organization. The effectiveness of the offer cost in obliging data about the organization progressively is fundamentally states as productive capital market. In addition, productive capital market satisfactorily conveys all the important information of the organization to the financial specialists. Korajczyk (2017) expressed that with the assistance of effective market speculation speculators can gather the satisfactory data, which may help in settling on sufficient venture choice. The general capital market working in a productive way could help Equator in raising the necessary capital effectively and with minimal effort. Be that as it may, there is some constraint of the capital market effectiveness, which may thusly expand the general hazard for raising the necessary reserve for the venture. There are three sort of effectiveness advertise, which may legitimately ponder the capacity of Equator to get the necessary assets from capital market. The distinction structures productivity advertise like solid, semi-solid and powerless market proficiency could fundamentally hamper the general capacity to affect request of its offers. What's more, in the event that the market proficiency is semi or frail, at that point Equators assertion of future possibility won't think about its offer cost. The deterrent of the organization to raise generally required capital from the task may hamper its capacity to proceed with the venture. Lee, Tsong and Lee (2014) referenced that because of the settlement of cutting edge innovation organizations can convey significant data in the trade, which is adequately reflected in its offer cost. In addition, on the off chance that the capital market isn't working in a proficient way, at that point Equator won't ready to convey the general data in regards to future benefits, which could be created from the task. Likewise, additional capital for the new task could be productively raised by Equator by giving new offers. Be that as it may, on the off chance that the capital market isn't working in a productive way, at that point Equator won't have the option to create the necessary capital. Also, extra cost will be charged and trouble could be looked by Equator while raising capital from wasteful capital market. Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2016) referenced that proficient capital market chiefly permits organizations for expanding its market nearness among possible financial specialists. In conclusion, Equator may have a positive effect if capital market is working in a productive way, as it may assist the organization with reducing the hazard emerging from its partners. Also, with p roductive capital market Equator could viably convey the necessary information and lessen the hazard from acquiring capital. Reference and Bibliography: Aminbakhsh, S., Gunduz, M. also, Sonmez, R., 2013. Danger appraisal utilizing diagnostic chain of command process (AHP) during arranging and planning of development projects.Journal of security research,46, pp.99-105. Bahmani-Oskooee, M., Chang, T., Chen, T.H. also, Tzeng, H.W., 2016. Returning to the productive market speculation on the move nations utilizing quantile unit root test.Economics Bulletin,36(4), pp.2171-2182. Halbert, L. what's more, Rouanet, H., 2014. Separating hazard away: Global fund capital, transcalar regional systems and the (un) creation of city-areas: An investigation of business property improvement in Bangalore, India.Regional Studies,48(3), pp.471-484. Higham, A.P., Fortune, C. what's more, Boothman, J.C., 2016. Maintainability and venture evaluation for lodging recovery projects.Structural Survey,34(2), pp.150-167. Johnstone, D., 2015. When are venture extends in a similar hazard class?.Accounting Finance. Korajczyk, R., 2017. By what method would it be advisable for me to contribute? What the Efficient Market Hypothesis does and doesn't state. Lambe, F., Jrisoo, M., Lee, C. furthermore, Johnson, O., 2015. Would carbon be able to back change family vitality markets? An audit of cookstove activities and projects in Kenya.Energy Research Social Science,5, pp.55-66. Lee, C.C., Tsong, C.C. furthermore, Lee, C.F., 2014. Testing for the effective market theory in stock costs: International proof from nonlinear heterogeneous panels.Macroeconomic Dynamics,18(04), pp.943-958. Writing Rowsell, E., Priest, S., Parker, D., Morris, J., Tunstall, S., Viavattene, C., Chatterton, J. furthermore, Owen, D., 2014.Flood and beach front disintegration chance administration: a manual for financial evaluation. Routledge. Upton, J., Murphy, M., De Boer, I.J.M., Koerkamp, P.G., Berentsen, P.B.M. also, Shalloo, L., 2015. Venture examination of innovation developments on dairy ranch power consumption.Journal of dairy science,98(2), pp.898-909. Vesty, G. also, Oliver, J., 2014. Corporate procedure and representing maintainability in venture appraisal.Corporate Ownership and Control,11(2D), pp.377-388.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Art History Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Workmanship History Project - Assignment Example This is on the grounds that some emblematic bits of the workmanship play a solitary or various significances in making an impressive symbol, for either binding together the networks or denying improper activities in the cultural living (Penelope 10-360). Accordingly, this paper targets showing the manner in which workmanship encouraged harmony and security through clash and viciousness the executives in the tempestuous world. One of the significant bits of craftsmanship utilized in the prior occasions was the engineering, which included the way toward structuring, arranging, and development. The idea of the physical structures and other physical structures had their own implications. The material idea of the structure structures were seen to be the social images and all the more along these lines, the work of art. Distinctive authentic human advancements were for the most part distinguished by their method of compositional progressions so as to endure the quality of their practices. This is on the grounds that various civic establishments were additionally contending with rival domains even regarding compositional progressions, for example, structures and making arrangements for their structures. Another bit of craftsmanship was the moves. Each early human progress had their own style of moving, which could be particularly distinguished by different networks or social orders. The move is a type of craftsmanship that includes the body development, frequently cadenced to music. It is generally performed by various social decent varieties for social communications, articulation of feelings, for exercise, execution, or otherworldly settings. The moving was additionally performed to recount to the narratives or express the thoughts. The moving styles were utilized in authentic civic establishments to show moral sensibilities, social and accepted practices, or in any event, being just imaginative. The moving were constantly acted in services in a given social works o n including the fathoming of contentions and questioned. In some social decent variety, moving was utilized to join the progress, and each moving style had its representative implying that a foe couldn't comprehend. The third bit of workmanship that was utilized to guarantee harmony and security in different clash social orders is models. Figures are displayed or cut structures that are for the most part made of stones, earthenware production, wood, and metal that speaks to the enduring works, that were utilized to communicate the political and strict wonder. During the Middle Ages and Gothic, the figures spoke to the interests and miseries of Christian loyal so as to live calmly on each other. The sacred writings joined the all Christian reliable over the world, and went about as a solitary imageries of being an adherent of Christ. The other bit of expressions that was utilized to join the clashing scene was the music. Music is a type of craftsmanship where the sound and quietness was its medium. Their components were rhythms, pitch, for example, congruity and tune, elements, and different characteristics of surface and tone. The music execution, creation, centrality, and the definition contrasted by the social and social settings. The music or the tunes in antiquated social orders guaranteed a solitary society since each network had their own melodic tunes, and each had a bringing together impacts. The fifth bit of craftsmanship that guarantee a brought together cultural living among the networks is the painting. Painting is an act of shading or applying colors or rather paints. In addition, the artistic creations were likewise ordinarily utilized in outside workmanship in exchange among the manufacturers and specialists. It
mcclelland vs. grant essays
mcclelland versus award articles George McClellan and Ulysess S. Award were two of the Civil Wars most noticeable Northern commanders. In this exposition I will portray the two commanders and give brief subtleties on the fights they were familiar with. George McClellan was a US Military Academy graduate with a praiseworthy record as a cadet. In 1857 he surrendered his bonus to enter the quickly extending railroad business, where he immediately exhibited exceptional capacity. McClellan, named by Lincoln, was made authority of the primary association armed force named the Army of the Potomac, in the wake of having substantiated himself a solid leader of the Ohio troops. He promptly started penetrating the muddled and dispirited regiments into a solid battling power. He is portrayed as to have been very popular with his warriors. His greatest shortcoming was his speed, or deficiency in that department. On one event Lincoln said if McClellan didn't purpose to utilize the Army of the Potomac he (Lincoln) might want to get it for a couple of days to perceive what he could do with it. (pg. 55) One case of McClellans moderate strategies, in any case, ingenuity, were appeared toward the beginning of March of 1862. His arrangement comprised of moving his military more distant down the Chesapeake Bay so as to hold onto the Confederate capital. His arrangement confronted a deterrent. The Virginia, a Confederate boat, assaulted and nearly broke the association barricade. McClellan demanded that the Virginia be put our of bonus before be started tasks. (pg. 67) The Virginia in the long run set sail back to the Norfolk harbor following four hours of commitment. In late March, despite the fact that Lincoln asked him to move forward McClelland laid intentional attack to Yorktown and permitted Confederate soldiers to extend over the lower promontory of Virginia. This deferred the development for close to 30 days. McClellan felt that there were a lot more soldiers then there truly were, principally in light of the fact that his boss ... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Balanced Scorecard Development
Unique The fair scorecard was presented in 1992 as a presentation estimation apparatus and has grown currently to shape a key administration framework. This paper utilizes eight articles, distinguished in Figure 1 alongside additional materials to follow and investigate improvements in the plan and execution. The paper shows instances of the scorecard by and by and presumes that improvements have been valuable by and large. It likewise features issues experienced en route and further territories for improvement.For years administrators have utilized money related measures to screen execution anyway an examination did in 1990 prompted the advancement of the original adjusted scorecard (BSC); a vital arranging and the executives framework. By including monetary and operational measures,it explained the issue that directors were starting to dismiss money related measures during the 1980s and 1990s (Letza, 1996). The BSC started examining four points of view; client, inside, learning and financial,with center driven by four inquiries appeared in Figure 2.The BSC urged administrators to concentrate on scarcely any basic measures to forestall multifaceted nature and data over-burden, anyway guaranteed a few regions were taken a gander at all the while as associations turned out to be progressively perplexing (Kaplan and Norton, 1992). Decision around the measures permits versatility and adaptability when utilizing the model. This is indispensable so as to stay aware of worldwide rivalry and the regularly evolving condition. Organizations must recognize this adaptability and as their methodology changes, so should the measures to remain in accordance with generally points. The presentation of the BSC matched with the downturn in the 1980’s and 1990’s.Therefore organizations will have been increasingly excited about execution estimation and considered this to be a decent method to follow progress towards procedure, development and benefit. Today, 20 years on, the center points of view have remained with the individual measures being adjusted and viewpoints included depending the company’s vital objectives. The BSC has advanced from a presentation estimation apparatus authorized by not many, to a key administration device utilized around the world; with the primary improvements being ‘driven essentially by watched shortcomings in the plan procedure as opposed to in the engineering of the first idea’ (Cobbold&Lawrie, 2002).Financial measures were good for the mechanical time anyway adjusting to change in abilities and capabilities permitted the scorecard to deliver ‘richer and progressively pertinent data about exercises they are overseeing than is given by monetary measures alone’ (Cobbold&Lawrie, 2002). No individual measure produces sufficient data to design. When arranging an excursion, the goal is to get starting with one point then onto the next with loads of dials delivering data on the probability of succeeding. The fuel gage alone doesn't lay the right foundation anyway all in all the measures permit a decisions and choices to be made.For model, to improve the probability of accomplishment you may include more oil or fuel. In business with the target to help deals you may build quality and hence deals. Acquainting operational measures with execution estimation, permits these components be checked as the drivers of future money related execution. As the quantity of measures is constrained, organizations must recognize the elements that are key execution drivers so as to accomplish fruitful usage. With the original scorecard, almost no was thought about the execution of the BSC.This implied organizations were not picking up the full impacts of improved execution. ‘What you measure is the thing that you get’ (Kaplan ;Norton, 1992). Subsequently on the off chance that you measure things that have no impact, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way to pro ductivity and development then it will be difficult to improve. Subsequently the measures must be in accordance with a company’s key targets. Kaplan and Nortonintroduced the four procedures for overseeing technique appeared in Figure 3 to underscore the requirement for the BSC to be connected to system, yet there was no clearness to the significance and impact of this.Many would have great measures set up, for example, consumer loyalty however would not investigate this further to improve productivity, subsequently a squandered open door as there was no genuine vision of getting it going. The plan be that as it may, was taken on effectively by numerous organizations as it united everything in one clear report. Words were kept negligible and visual guides were utilized to speak to and clarify measures. This demonstrated compelling as scarcely any words paint immense pictures, and individuals are intended to acknowledge pictures and frequently recall these better.The BSC additi onally takes a gander at the entire association rather than independent divisions thusly uniting all storehouses. Numerous associations include singular societies inside every storehouse and in this manner divisions are regularly determined towards focuses at departmental level rather than in general corporate targets. Along these lines it is pivotal that all measures are checked to guarantee that the objectives are met through the correct targets, and not to the detriment of another. For instance the creation division may expand efficiency prompting more deals and conceivably higher benefits anyway the quality may slack making consumer loyalty fall.This could cause reputational harm driving clients to go to contenders who offer higher caliber. The second era scorecard developed this featuring separating and bunching as territories of concern. This took the BSC from the estimation framework to an incorporated administration framework while as yet focussing on system and execution dr ivers. Frequently this included relating measures to key execution pointers. The second era scorecard presented key destinations and created causality further.This advancement tended to the issue of a ‘inability to connect a company’s long haul technique with its present moment actions’ (Kaplan ; Norton, 1996). Adding expressions to the four perspectivesallowed organizations to choose quantifies around their vital vision. This determination strategy gave more painstaking quality and made execution more clear and increasingly characterized. Causality was remembered for the original scorecard with the four explanations appeared in Figure 4 however the subsequent age built up this by demonstrating connections between the measures over the points of view appeared in Figure 5; rather than simply dubious connections between the perspectives.This expanded the inclination to ‘prove’ joins (Kaplan ; Norton, 1996). This could have been awful for organizations as representatives may have attempted to interface developments in the presentation quantifies that weren’t related attempting to show one as the causation of each other; essentially to arrive at targets. This would be increasingly basic when budgetary prizes were connected to execution. Indeed, even with this is mind, the linkage model turned into a significant piece of the BSC plan. Presentation of programming detailing frameworks improved managers’ capacity to respond with quick analysis and snappy intercessions when issues occurred.The early programming gave by AT;T, and later by organizations including IBM; utilized email and journal projects to secure this procedure. Programming created turmoil the same number of trusted it would empower plan and execution of the BSC. Nonetheless, it is execution the executives programming to use after usage to guarantee execution data gets ‘to the perfect individuals at the privilege time’ (Balanced Scorecard Instit ute, 2013). As it permitted information to be put away, targets could be designated to proprietors and measures to goals; permitting chiefs to make chronicled correlations with measure execution precisely over time.It likewise imparted the data viably and upheld more control and association. A few bundles permit execution to be estimated and followed at departmental level, venture level or the association overall. This possibly works if there is key arrangement all through the progressive system. Associations would then be able to limit the particular zones that are failing to meet expectations so as to build center to improve or strip that part. In spite of the fact that the product has numerous advantages some discover it ‘difficult to adjust to the necessities of a developing and dynamic company’ (IBM, 2013).Hence, many want to utilize self-created programming anyway it some of the time needs required capacities and answers for the circumstances and logical results; as the pro abilities are not there to build up the program. Troubles despite everything emerged in choosing applicable measures and target setting because of clashing considerations among the board. There was additionally trouble conveying the linkage model to bring down level staff in the event that they didn't as of now know about the model. This could make issues when attempting persuade groups as there will be various understandings of points and targets; subsequently representatives progressing in the direction of various goals.The late 1990’s saw the third era and the advancement of the goal articulation (Figure 6) so as to accomplish explanation through checking the measures, destinations and targets chose. The goal explanation is a type of ‘what if’ investigation that carried the instrument nearer to organization technique, it's administration and usage. By evaluating measured measures of outcomes and achievementsfor a set future period; organizations cou ld without much of a stretch contrast genuine accomplishments with targets and benchmark against others remotely, for the situation it was to stay with goals from the linkage model.For model the goal explanation would foresee a pace of consumer loyalty for a long time that you could inquire against every year. This will distinguish under accomplishments, maybe where you can improve quality to support fulfillment; and over accomplishments where you can recognize what fruitful approaches to keep. Supervisory crews could without much of a stretch identify with the announcement to convey down the pecking order so as to increase a solitary understanding, as it
Blog Archive Yale School of Management Essay Analysis, 20132014
Blog Archive Yale School of Management Essay Analysis, 2013â€"2014 As we have seen several top MBA programs do this year, the Yale School of Management (SOM) has reduced its essay requirements for the current round of applicants. During the 2011â€"2012 application season, the school asked candidates to respond to six questions using 1,600 words; in 2012â€"2013, this was condensed to four questions and 1,050 words; this season, the SOM poses just two questions, for which it allots only 750 words (300 for Essay 1 and 450 for Essay 2). This reduction should not be taken as an indication that the admissions committee is less interested in what applicants have to say, however. Instead, the school is in the process of incorporating a video component into its application in which candidates will respond orally to typical essay-style questions in a spontaneous manner, without knowing the questions in advance. We therefore encourage you to make the most of your essays, for which you will be able to take your time and carefully plan and craft your responses. Essay 1: What motivates your decision to pursue an MBA? (300 words maximum) Yale’s first essay question for this season is very similar to the one it posed last year, but the school has doubled the word count and removed the query “When did you realize that this was a step you wantedâ€"or neededâ€"to take?†The focus and tone have also changed, in that the SOM had previously asked candidates what “prompted [their] decision to get an MBA,†which essentially emphasized a past eventâ€"in other words, what happened in the past to make you realize your need for this degree. This year, however, the school’s use of the word “motivates†carries with it a sense of positive, forward momentum and progression toward a goalâ€"people are motivated to accomplish or attain things. You should therefore keep your focus forward as well and center your response on what you hope to gain from the MBA experience/education and what you plan to pursue after graduation. Identify the skills, guidance, experience and/or other factors that are key to enabling you to achi eve your goals and that business school can provide. Then explain how gaining these will prepare you to succeed in your desired post-MBA position and industry. To be most effective, you will need to provide some level of context/background for your goals to build on and to help illustrate the gaps in your skills or knowledge base that you want business school to correct. Because you have such a limited amount of space with which to work, be sure to not devote too much of the allotted word count to accomplishing this, but strive to make sure the admissions committee walks away with a solid understanding of where you are coming from in the context of where you are hoping to go. Avoid the temptation to tie your answer specifically to the SOM in this essay, because the school asks for that information in its Essay 2 question. Commit 100% of the minimal word count for Essay 1 to clearly conveying what you need from an MBA education and why earning the degree is an essential next step in your career progression. In many ways, this query encompasses the general spirit of a traditional personal statement essay, and because personal statements are similar from one application to the next, we have produced the mbaMission Personal Statement Guide , which helps applicants write this style of essay for any school. We offer this guide to candidates free of charge. Please feel free to download your copy today. Essay 2: The Yale School of Management provides leadership education for broad-minded, rigorous, and intellectually curious students with diverse backgrounds; a distinctive integrated curriculum; connections to one of the great research universities in the world; and the broad reach of an innovative and expanding global network of top business schools. What motivates you to apply to the Yale School of Management for your MBA? What will you contribute to Yale and Yale SOM? (450 words maximum) Although the introductory sentence in the SOM’s Essay 2 question is the same as it was last season, the central query has been skewed slightly to focus more overtly on what the school can provide the applicant in addition to what the candidate can bring to the school. Note that the SOM again uses the word “motivates,†this time in relation to its MBA program, asking what it offers that is particularly fitting for your needs and interestsâ€"in other words, “Why Yale?†Successfully responding to this part of the school’s prompt requires a true understanding of what the SOM has to offer, so you will need, if you have not already done so, to fully research its resources, from faculty and courses to clubs, research centers, experiential opportunities, facilities, events, initiatives and everything else specific to Yale. Remember that as an SOM student, you will also have access to the resources available in other parts of the greater university (the query itself even refers to this, saying, “Yale and the Yale SOMâ€), so you do not need to limit your research to the business school alone. Once your research is complete, pinpoint which offerings excite you. When you envision yourself as a student at the school, what are you most interested in experiencing and being a part of? Showing your knowledge of the school, specifying components of its program that fit your personal and professional needs and conveying a sense of enthusiasm will ensure that this portion of your essay is compelling. The second question in the prompt asks what you, in turn, will contribute to the school. Keep in mind that although the SOM wants to assemble a certain kind of incoming class overallâ€"meaning, for example, one that is diverse, mirrors the school’s values, is intelligent and accomplished and so onâ€"it is not looking for individual candidates that fit a specific mold. There is no “right†contribution, in other words, so the key here is to be honest. What strengths do you possess that would prove valuable in a business school setting? What is special about you or your background that could add a unique element to the SOM’s community? Think carefully about your distinctiveness, and ask yourself, “In what instances and in what ways have I contributed in the past?†This surprisingly simple question should unlock a few possible answers. And in addition to skills and experience, consider character traits, such as a sense of humor, honesty, dependability and the like. Showing that you understand your own abilities and strengths is key, but to be most effective, tie these components of your profile to aspects of the SOM experience, explaining that you can make unique contributions in specific classes, clubs, events, etc. Given that you have only 450 words in which to respond to both this question and the “why Yale†query, showing that your contribution would relate directly to an element of the school’s program that you have already pinpointed in the first part of your essay would make adhering to the allotted word count more manageable and your final essay more cohesive. 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Friday, June 26, 2020
The Boston Massacre Event - Free Essay Example
The Boston Massacre        The Boston Massacre took place in 1770 outside the Boston Customs House. More than one hundred Bostonians confronted a band of nine British soldiers near a sentry box outside the Boston Customs House (Gale, 1999). Tensions between the Bostonians and the British soldiers rose, and the British ended up fatally wounding five civilians. The five civilians were, Crispus Attucks, a former slave turned sailor; James Caldwell, another sailor; Patrick Carr, an immigrant Irishman who made leather trousers; Samuel Gray, a rope maker; and Samuel Maverick, the brother-in-law of mob leader Ebenezer Mackintosh (Gale, 1999). Additionally six other innocent bostonians were wounded. The Boston Massacre was a very important event because it had a major impact on the relations between the American and British colonists.        The seven years war left the British in financial distress which lead to taxing the colonies. The acts caused a fierce debate over whether the British Parliament had the right to tax American colonies only for raising revenue. Colonists protested that the British cannot tax as they didnt have representation in the government. The Stamp Act taxed stamps, cards, legal documents, and newspapers. Many protests took place in opposition to the stamp act. Another Act was the Townshend Act where the British put a tax on colonial imports and stationed troops at major colonial ports. To enforce the Acts, the British sent naval and military forces to Boston, which lead to the Boston Massacre. Later in 1765, delegates from American colonies came together in New York City and made petitions to British Parliament to repeal the Acts. It provided the British a taste of what would happen soon (Khan Academy).        As a result of the Boston Massacre, the colonial leaders used the deaths as propaganda. A few weeks after the massacre, Paul Revere created an engraving known as the Bloody Massacre. Online Soures Credible Sources (Other) ¤tPosition=1docId=GALE%7CEJ1667500078docType=Topic+overviewsort=RelevancecontentSegment=prodId=UHICcontentSet=GALE%7CEJ1667500078searchId=R1userGroupName=viva2_nvccinPS=true
Monday, May 25, 2020
Division Card Games for Kids
Once your child starts to get a handle on her multiplication facts, it’s time to start looking at the inverse function of multiplication--division. If your child is confident in knowing her times tables, then division may come a little bit easier to her, but she’ll still need to practice. The same card games you play to practice multiplication can be modified to practice division as well. What Your Child Will Learn (or Practice) Your child will be practicing equal division, division with remainders, and number comparison. Materials Needed You will need a deck of cards with or without the face cards removed Card Game: Two-Player Division War This game is a variation of the classic card game War, although, for the purpose of this learning activity, you will deviate a little bit from the original rules of the game. For instance, instead of asking your child to remember the number value of the face cards, it’s easier to place a small piece of removable tape (masking tape or painter’s tape works well) in the top corner of the card with the number value written on it. The values should be assigned as follows: Ace 1, King 12, Queen 12, and Jack 11. Insert the face cards back into the deck, shuffle and then deal the cards evenly and face down between the players.On a Ready, set, go! count, each player turns over two cards.Both players can use any of the four visible cards to try to find a fact family with which they can then place in sequential order to make a division problem. For example, if Player One revealed a 5 and a 3, and Player Two turned over a King (12) and a 4, either player could snatch up the 4, 3, and King to create the division sentences: King à · 4 3 or King à · 3 4.The winner of the hand is the first player who is able to recognize and lay out a division problem. Of course, the other player can check the math first!Each player should take back his unplayed cards and start an unused pile. As the game continues, each player turns up two new cards and the cards in his unused pile. This provides more opportunity for players to create division problems. If both players can create a problem using different cards, they both win the hand.The game is over when there are no more cards left, or the players are unable to make any more division problems. Card Game: Division Go Fish The Division Go Fish card game is played almost exactly the same way as the Multiplication Go Fish card game is played. The difference is that instead of creating a multiplication problem to give a card’s value, players have to come up with a division problem. For example, a player who wants to find a match for his 8 could say Do you have any 16s divided by 2s? or I’m looking for a card that is a 24 divided by 3. Deal six cards to each player and place the rest of the deck in the middle as a draw pile.When the first player says his math sentence, the player who is being asked for the card has to do the division, come up with the correct answer and hand over any matching cards. If there are no matches, the first player draws a card from the deck.When a player runs out of cards or the draw pile is gone, the game is over. The winner is the player with the most matches.
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